Getting Rid Of Honey Bees: What NOT To Do!

Nearly 90% of all plant species on earth rely on pollinators to properly reproduce. Honey bees are prolific purveyors of pollination, helping to foster the plant systems that produce nearly a third of the world’s food supply. When we find bees infesting our living spaces, we have to think very carefully about how we take care of them by acknowledging the environment and the insects in question. Bees are vital to our ecosystem but they don’t need to live in our homes.

Today, we are going to look at what NOT to do when you find a honey bee infestation on your property.

Skip Doing the Job Yourself

Did you know the average honey bee hive can feature between 10,000 and 60,000 stinging bees? An established colony building a space within your home speaks to a larger problem and one that a professional bee removal business can tackle. Buzz Tech Pest Control has proudly served the state of Arizona with professional bee removal services, having already removed more than 5,000 hives throughout the state.

The proper and safe removal of honey bees from a structure can be labor-intensive while requiring advanced professional knowledge. Don’t put yourself or your home at risk, let a professional pest control company handle your infestation.

Don’t Seal the Entry Point of the Hive

If you manage to track down the entrance to the honey bee hive on your property, you might feel compelled to seal it shut to starve out the creatures. While this is certainly a common tactic for dealing with honey bees, it is far from an effective one. With the entrance sealed, the bees within will begin looking for other ways to escape their hive. Once they find another exit, the bees will begin shuffling in and out of your home, sometimes for weeks at a time.

A single colony can sustain tens of thousands of honey bees, so don’t let this problem fester or it will continue to grow.

Avoid Drenching the Hive in Bee Killer

For some folks, a can of bee or wasp killer can be the ultimate solution to any pest problem. Unfortunately, this is far from an effective approach to dealing with any infestation. While bee-killing spray may remove a few hundred bees within the hive, there are tens of thousands more hiding within your walls and floorboards. Instead of making the hive furious, consider opting for a more expansive bee control solution.

Buzz Tech Pest Control offers one-hour service to ensure that your emergency needs are always met when an infestation is found on your property. Don’t perform a risky fix when a professional solution is just a call away.

Don’t Simply Ignore the Problem

There are seemingly few problems that become better by ignoring them and a honey bee infestation is no exception. Ignoring a beehive is a great way to get a larger, older, and more resilient hive. The second major issue that manifests when we ignore a bee infestation is that they may move into a second and larger location.

If you want to avoid bringing a honey bee infestation to your neighbors or a neighboring building, you might want to contact a pest control team at the first sign of a honey bee problem.

Avoid Trying to Smoke Out the Bees

One of the most common ‘solutions’ to addressing infestations is through the use of smoke. Beekeepers will often smoke bees out of their personal hives, but this becomes much more complicated and even dangerous in an uncontrolled environment. If you don’t have a private hive or the training to safely smoke bees out of your property, avoid doing so. While burning your house down would surely get rid of your infestation, it’s likely not the solution you were looking for.

Don’t Try and Kill the Bees

Despite their overwhelming importance not just to our daily lives but to our long-term health, people still kill honey bees when they are found within their property. Even if you get over the ethical concerns surrounding the extermination of bees, most of the time the efforts are in vain – pheromones are often left behind. You can eliminate all of the bees in a hive, but the remaining pheromones will attract future colonies to the area.

Instead of killing the bees and removing the hive yourself, consider calling upon a team that can perform a live honey bee extraction. Buzz Tech Pest Control is licensed by the Arizona Department of Agriculture and the team is trained to assist with your live hive removal needs.

Contact Buzz Tech Pest Removal Today!

Buzz Tech Pest Control has been an active force in the pest control field for more than three decades. Having removed over 5,000 hives over the years, Buzz Tech is uniquely qualified to provide Arizona residents with the pest control solutions they require.

Contact the team at Buzz Tech today to enjoy service in under one hour!

Bee Extermination v. Live Removal

Bees may be closely regarded allies when it comes to food production and environmental health, but that doesn’t mean we want them living within our walls. When the swarming season arises during spring, residents throughout Arizona have to take a close look at their property to keep bees at bay, but what happens when bees have already set up a hive?

While it may seem appealing to reach out to a bee exterminator to protect your home from these pollinating insects, you might want to opt instead for a live removal service from Buzz Tech Pest Control.

Let’s take a moment to learn the differences between live removal and bee extermination services.

Reasons to Avoid Bee Extermination Services

It may seem like the easiest thing in the world to hire an exterminator to handle your potential bee problem. However, negative consequences manifest after every extermination. Throughout Arizona, common bee infestations can be traced back to Honey Bees, Bumble Bees, and Carpenter Bees.

Insecticides Harm the Environment; Bee Population

The leading reason to avoid extermination services is to prevent your home and property from being treated with harmful chemical insecticides. These insecticides hurt not just the hive that has been treated, but also the colonies surrounding the areas. New bees may arrive to take over the hive, thus spreading chemicals even further into the surrounding areas.

Extermination Services Aren’t Always Permanent

Did you know that extermination services aren’t always completely effective? Unless a thorough job is accomplished, bees will return to the hive and to the area. In fact, even the weather won’t keep a bee infestation away. A modern beehive provides the colony with enough food and comfort to thrive throughout the colder seasons. As queens can lay more than 2,000 eggs per day, an infestation can quickly become problematic.

Why Choose Live Bee Removal?

So a bee exterminator likely isn’t the best choice for handling your burgeoning infestation. What can you do to handle the rapidly growing beehive on your property? In terms of effectiveness, your best option might be to opt for live bee removal from the team at Buzz Tech Pest Control.

Let’s highlight the top reasons to consider live bee removal services when dealing with bees on your property.

  • Deter Infestations – As we alluded to above, leaving behind even remnants of a hive can lead to bees returning in the future. By opting for a live bee removal service, a technician will ensure that the hive and all traces of its beeswax have been eradicated from the premises. In doing so, the scent that would otherwise attract bees will be diminished. For homes frequently warring with bee infestations, this might be the best reason!
  • Preserve the Health of the Hive – A live bee removal service doesn’t do damage to the bees themselves. Instead, Buzz Tech’s qualified technicians perform a safe, clean, and effective service within 90 minutes of your call.
  • Avoid Harmful Chemicals – Common pesticides and insecticides can cause harm to yourself and your loved ones, as well as the surrounding area. Buzz Tech Pest Control avoids harmful chemicals in lieu of a safe, convenient, and much more natural removal service.
  • Opt For Safety – Not only are bee infestations potentially reoccurring problems, but they can also manifest into very real danger for yourself or those living within your home. Africanized honey bees are a very real problem. With emergency services available, technicians from Buzz Tech Pest Control can analyze your property to detect an infestation, the type of bee, and the best route for removal.

While it can be hard to deal with a bee infestation, you don’t have to immediately reach for the most dramatic extermination services. Instead, consider calling a technician at Buzz Tech Pest Control to inspect your property!

Buzz Tech Pest AZ Professional Bee Removal

Buzz Tech Pest Control proudly serves Phoenix and the surrounding area with professional bee removal services. With over three decades of combined experience and hands-on experience removing 5,000+ hives, Buzz Tech is ready to answer the call for your bee removal needs.

To continue offering award-winning services, Buzz Tech Pest Control promises:

  • Convenient Service – Open 7-days out of the week, Buzz Tech Pest Control is always on call to help with your bee infestation needs. With emergency services available, you are only ever an hour away from your next appointment.
  • Experienced Professionals – Three decades of industry experience have led to over 5,000 hives being removed by the team at Buzz Tech. With a license from the Arizona Department of Agriculture as well as insurance well over all of the required limits, clients at Buzz Tech can expect fast and friendly service from experienced professionals.

The team at Buzz Tech Pest Control has proudly served the surrounding areas for years. Contact the team today to see how Buzz Tech can help YOU live a bee-free life!

Bees & Pollen

Although many people think they fully understand all there is to know about bees and pollen, that is often not the case. In fact, the relationship between bees and pollen is far more complex than the average person realizes. Luckily, just because many people don’t yet understand, doesn’t mean they never will. With that in mind, the following is an overview of the relationship between bees and pollen, as well as how it affects the collective.

The Purpose of Pollen Collection

Most people know that bees collect pollen. However, many people do not fully understand why that is. For instance, many people do not know that pollen is the main source of protein for bees. This is because bees do not feast on other insects, unlike many of their counterparts. So, if they are unable to collect pollen, bees are likely to deal with nutrient deficiencies, which can cause an array of health issues. Moreover, the protein allows babies bees to grow more rapidly, so they can leave the hive. Therefore, without pollen, their entire ecosystem will be disrupted.

The most useful among them, worker bees, are extremely active during their busy season. Due to this, their life span is usually only around 6 weeks. Worker bees are in charge of tasks such as taking care of babies bees, hunting for food, cleaning, and more. Without enough worker bees, the entire hive would be in disarray. Pollen is important to help young worker bees grow into adults, so they can continue to take care of the hive.


From a human standpoint, one of the most important jobs of honey bees is that of pollination. However, bees are only pollinating the flowers by default and are not even aware that they are doing it. This is because when honey bees visit flowers, they get pollen stuck to their wings, legs, and hair. As they continue to visit flowers, this pollen falls off and helps to pollinate other flowers. This aids in flower pollination, which is helpful to various species of plants and flowers. So, although they are not doing it on purpose, bees are an intricate parts of the human ecosystem and food chain as well.

As mentioned, although it is believed that bees are meant to collect pollen to pollinate flowers, in all actuality, they are actually in search of their own food and nectar. Once a bee finds a flower to collect pollen and nectar from, they start collecting their food. Lucky for us, during the process, the pollen naturally sticks to their legs, wings, and more. However, for their own purposes, they collect the pollen and store it in structures known as pollen baskets, also known as corbiculae. This pollen is then mixed with saliva and nectar, and brought back to their hive. This mixture is then dropped of to the developing larvae back at the hive. The baby bees then consume this mixture to help them continue to grow and become big and strong. The rest can be given to drones and the queen bee.

More About Pollination

Every flower has a male and female part. The female part, or the pistil is sticky, as it is meant to attract pollen for pollination. This is to help aid in their survival, since flowers cannot move and are unable to collect pollen for themselves.

This is where the bee heroes come into play. Without even knowing it, the bees come along and ensure that flowers receive the pollen they need to survive and reproduce. As each bees goes from flower to flower collecting pollen, they leave some of the pollen behind. This allows pollen to go from the male part of the flower to the female part of the flower, which is how pollination actually occurs for flowers. Without the help of bees, this process would be next to impossible. Even with the help of humans and machines, it would be very difficult for the process to be completed. However, with the help of bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and other insects and small animals, the process is all but automated.

The World Needs Pollen to Survive

Not only do bees need pollen to survive, but so does the rest of the world. Without pollen, bees will not be able to feed themselves, which means our automated pollination system would come to a screeching halt. Since this is intricately involved in our ecosystem, bees are literally essential to the survival of virtually all living things. So, although they may seem a bit scary (especially when in groups), bees are necessary for humanity.

If you have a bee hive on your property, it should be removed carefully and humanely. If you are in need of assistance with a bee hive on your property, contact your friends here at Buzz Tech AZ Bee Removal today.

What To Do For a Bee Sting

Bee stings can happen with very little warning, which is why it’s a good idea to know what to do (and what not to do) if you or a loved one is ever stung by a bee. This is especially true during the spring and summer months here in the Phoenix area, when honey bees are particularly active.

Why Bees Sting

In general, bees are not out to sting humans for no reason. They will typically only sting when they perceive a threat to themselves or to their hive. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be stung by a bee while simply minding your own business. You might, however, be strung if you accidentally come near a beehive (such as while gardening or doing yard work).

It is important to understand that only female honey bees actually have stingers; male bees, on the other hand, do not. When a female bee stings a human, the barbed stinger remains stuck inside the skin and the bee will subsequently die. However, bee stings release pheromones that can attract additional bees to attack, which is it’s important to act quickly and accordingly when stung by a bee.

You should also be aware that not all stings come from bees. Wasps and hornets also sting—and they can actually sting you multiple times without losing their stingers. If you receive multiple stings from the same insect, you’re probably being stung by a wasp or a hornet rather than a bee; still, the same basic aftercare instructions should be followed.

What to Do if You’re Stung

The most important thing to remember right away if you’re stung by a bee is to stay as calm as possible. Try to move away from the area as swiftly as you can so as to avoid any additional stings. Once you’re in a safer area away from the beehive, carefully remove the stinger from your skin. The best way to do this is to use your fingernail or even a piece of gauze.

When removing the stinger, try to do as gently as possible; this will reduce the amount of venom that is released. Do not use tweezers to remove a stinger, as this tends to release a lot of venom into the skin due to the pinching required.

Once the stinger is removed from your skin, wash the affected area with soap and water right away, This will help to remove any excess venom while also cleaning out the wound. To keep swelling at bay, it is also a good idea to apply an ice pack to the affected area. Applying a cold pack to the area where you were stung can also help to prevent the venom from being absorbed into your skin.

Some pain or discomfort is to be expected after being stung by a bee. If you’re in pain, you can always take an over-the-counter pain killer (such as ibuprofen) to get some relief. Generally, the pain and swelling from a bee sting will subside within a day or two. However, different people can have very different reactions to bee stings.

It’s also important to consider that some people are allergic to bee venom. For this reason, you should always watch out for signs of an allergic reaction following a bee sting (even if you’ve been stung without a reaction before). Some symptoms of a serious allergic reaction to watch out for include:

  • swelling that spreads to other parts of the body
  • difficulty breathing
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • a breakout of hives

If you notice any of these symptoms after being stung by a bee, seek medical attention right away. This is more likely to be the case if you have never been stung by a bee before or if you received multiple bee stings.

Even if you don’t experience any severe reactions to a bee sting, it may be worth contacting your doctor after a few days if your swelling and pain do not subside. Your doctor may be able to write a prescription for a more powerful painkiller that will help you get some relief from your discomfort.

Time For Bee Removal Services?

Being stung by a bee can be a real pain! Fortunately, by knowing what to do (and what not to do), you can make sure that you minimize your suffering. Likewise, being aware of the common signs of an allergic reaction to a bee sting can help you recognize when it may be time to seek medical attention.

If you’re tired of dealing with bees on your property, it may be time to have them removed. At Buzz Tech Pest Control, our technicians and beekeepers have extensive experience removing bees and beehives from your property. We even offer same-day service so you can get rid of the bees on your property as quickly as possible! Contact us today at (623) 826-8200 to find out more or to schedule service at your home.

Honey Bees in Arizona: When to Leave Them Bee

While it is important to remember that bees are our friends, there are times when they get a little too close to homes and businesses for our human peace of mind. Just spotting a bee isn’t usually cause for alarm, but there are indicators that you might have a bigger problem on your hands.

To help you make that determination, our team at Buzz Tech Professional Bee removal has put together this handy guide. Here’s what you need to know about honey bees in Arizona and when you need to be worried about telling them to buzz off.

Remember That Most Honey Bees are Harmless

While there is some truth to the rumor that all Arizona honey bees are co-mixed with the African variety, not all achieve aggressive status. In fact, it is often easy to tell the difference — traditional honey bees are fatter and less aggressive, while Africanized or so-called killer bees are much smaller and faster.

The honey bee is incredibly important to our ecosystem, which means you’re better off letting a bee roam than trying to swat or kill one. While there are certain circumstances where removal is unavoidable, as we will describe below, it is important to remember that they are being threatened.

When to Leave Honey Bees Alone

Did you just spot a bee in your Arizona backyard? It might not be that big of a deal. Here are a few guidelines to help you understand when there’s a problem and when you should just leave them alone.

If You Only See a Few Bees

There are people who think that seeing one or two bees is enough cause for concern. The truth is that the actual hive could be miles away, meaning the ones you’re spotting in your garden are likely just looking for water. In that case, it is perfectly fine to let them alone and wait for them to go on their way.

The Swarm of Bees Has Only Been in One Location for a Few Hours

Bees will stop to rest when they’re in swarm mode. If they’ve happened to take a break on your property, give it a bit of time to see if they’ll leave on their own. Often, they will move on after a few hours and won’t return. During this time, try to avoid going outside and keep your pets indoors.

You’re Doing Something to Attract the Bees

Sometimes, human actions are the reason you see bees in your yard. Maybe your child left a sticky popsicle on the patio table or you’re wearing strong floral perfume. Or perhaps you just have a beautiful garden that they’re looking to enjoy. Consider all factors first before deciding if you need bee removal service.

When You Need to Call a Bee Removal Specialist

Of course, there are times when it is important to remove a beehive from your home or business. If the safety of people or pets becomes a danger, then it is a good time to call our team at Buzz Tech Professional Bee removal for assistance. Here are a few signs to look out for to determine whether the bees you’re seeing are problematic.

Bees Are Coming and Going from Inside a Wall

If you notice an abundance of bees coming and going from inside a wall or a crack in the exterior of a building, you’ll want to contact a removal team immediately. Often, this is an indicator that they are attempting to build a hive inside, which could cause significant amounts of damage to the structure itself. When this happens, the honeycomb and honey cover the building materials themselves, which can create a bigger problem than the bees themselves.

There is a Swarm of More Than Just a Handful of Bees

If you notice a swarm of more than just a handful of bees, it might be a good time to get in touch with us. We’re talking a crazy amount, such as enough to cover an entire tree or a vehicle. In this instance, we can usually relocate the hive to a better area and help prevent any injuries to those around the area.

The Bees You Do See Are Extra Aggressive

If you notice a swarm outside that seems extra aggressive, then you’ll want to take steps to have them removed from your property. People ask us all the time what this means, but all we can really tell you is that you’ll know it when you see it. Africanized bees often move faster and will seem like they’re trying to attack anything nearby, which is in direct contrast to the usually docile demeanor of the Arizona honey bee.

Your Trusted Phoenix Bee Removal Service

Whether you have an entire swarm or are just looking for advice on what to do when honey bees visit your garden, our team at Buzz Tech Professional Bee Removal is here to help. Please contact us today to report a hive and schedule immediate service.

What to Do When Bees Invade Your Chimney!

There are few things in life more relaxing than sitting before the fire for some quiet time with the family. Of course, when that quiet time is interrupted by a curious buzzing sound from your chimney, well, the entire situation changes! Arizona is home to many household pests, including bees.

From Bumble Bees and Carpenter Bees to Africanized Honey Bees, you don’t want to let these critters build a hive inside of your home.

Signs of a Bee Hive in a Chimney

Residents in Arizona are likely familiar with Swarming Season. When honey bees swarm, they leave behind their hive to find a new place to call home. Sometimes this means settling down near a household, other times it means setting up shop inside of a household.

As bees swarm and cluster, they’ll dispatch scouts to survey the area to find a nest. As chimneys are a favored place to rest, this means that swarms will often arrive out of nowhere, indicating an infestation before anything can be done to prevent one!

Signs of a bee infestation in your chimney include

  • Buzzing Noise from Fireplace
  • Bees Falling Down Chimney
  • Noise From Chimney Flue

Should I Light a Fire?

With bees nesting in a chimney, it seems reasonable to assume that a simple fire can get them to move. While there is certainly some truth to the idea, we wouldn’t advocate for a fire — and for a good reason. As it turns out, lighting a fire isn’t the fail-proof way to rid ourselves of bees that we may think it is.

Here are a few reasons to consider skipping the fire when finding bees living in your chimney.

  1. They Will Come Back – A lit fire may inspire bees to get moving, but that doesn’t mean they will stay away. Once the fire is extinguished, bees will often return to their original location. Did you know that bees will sometimes swarm above the chimney while waiting for the fire to extinguish itself?
  2. There Might Be A Hive – While we don’t advocate burning down hives even in the best situations, burning one inside of a chimney can become even more problematic. A fully formed hive will be brimming with honey and wax, both of which can melt when exposed to high levels of heat. A hive that comes loose due to melting wax can become a fire hazard, collapsing down the chimney before falling into the fireplace.
  3. They Can Get Angry – Nobody should want to mess with angry bees in the best of times, particularly when they are living in your home! Lighting a fire beneath a potential hive can cause the insects to go into attack mode, becoming defensive while attacking household inhabitants. This can be potentially deadly to individuals with allergies.

How Should I Remove Bees From My Chimney?

If you are dealing with a bee infestation that you believe has led to your chimney, the odds are good that you will need to reference a bee removal specialist. Bees cannot be simply left alone, particularly when they are living within your home.  So what can you do?

  • Seal Off the Chimney – First and foremost, quit using the chimney if you believe it to be inhabited by a hive or swarm of bees. Seal off the area with a garbage bag and some duct tape.
  • Consult An Expert – With the chimney properly sealed, we can rest easy knowing the inhabitants of the home are more protected. Now it is time to call a bee removal specialist to address your potential infestation.
  • Remove the Hive – After consulting with a bee removal specialist, such as Buzz Tech Pest Control, you’ll be ready to prepare for the next step – preventative maintenance.
  • Schedule an Inspection – After the hive has been removed, schedule a thorough inspection of your chimney by an expert. The expert will help you rid yourself of any remaining bees or material so as to prevent them from returning in the future.

Regularly cleaning and maintaining your chimney is the first step toward preventing a bee infestation in your chimney. However, once an infestation arrives, make sure to call your friends at Buzz Tech Pest Control.

Tell Your Bee Problem to Buzz Off at Buzz Tech Pest Control!

Experts in every level of pest control and bee removal, Buzz Tech Pest Control is YOUR bee removal specialty company. With more than three decades of industry experience, the team at Buzz Tech has personally removed more than 5,000 hives. Licensed through the Arizona Department of Agriculture and insured over the required limits, clients throughout the area can rely on Buzz Tech for fast and friendly service!

Call Buzz Tech Pest Control today to enjoy

  • Technicians Arrive Within 90 Minutes
  • 24/7 Emergency Services
  • Licensed & Insured
  • Service Throughout Maricopa County

Call Buzz Tech Pest Control to enjoy one-hour service on demand!

Tips To Keep Your Arizona Pool Bee-Free

Tired of bees ruining your backyard fun? This common problem is one that just about every swimming pool owner in the southwest has to deal with at some point.

It typically happens during the warmer months when the insects are looking for water, which is a key way in which they keep their hives cooled down and from melting in the hot desert sun.

Thankfully, there are a variety of ways you can keep them away from your swimming pool. Here are five of our best tips to help you keep your Arizona pool bee-free all year long.

1. Provide an Alternate Water Source

One of the most common reasons why bees gravitate towards your swimming pool is that they’re looking for a water source. Here in the desert, that can become difficult to find, which means your awesome backyard looks like a big ‘ol giant watering hole.

To keep this from happening, consider offering an alternative water source. This can be something as simple as a big bucket of water or even a decorative bird bath situated away from your pool.

Just remember that bees cannot land on the surface of the water to drink, so they’ll need something to perch on. Smooth river rocks that stand just above the water level are a good choice, but there are many others you can try, too.

2. Use Essential Oils

Those wonderful essential oils you use inside your home are an excellent way to keep bees from visiting your pool, as well. Add a few drops of oil to a spray bottle of water and shake vigorously.

Every couple days, mist items around your pool like chairs, floats, toys, and others. The scent from the oils is a deterrent to bees, which can keep them away for short bursts. You can also bring your diffuser outdoors and plug it in on a patio or porch to help the cause.

Peppermint, eucalyptus, thyme, and spearmint are good oils to use. Citrus scents like lemon and bergamot are also good choices, but don’t work as well as those we’ve previously mentioned.

3. Use Dryer Sheets

As a simple do-it-yourself home hack, you can add baskets of dryer sheets around your pool area to help prevent bees from approaching. This works somewhat similar to the essential oil trick in that bees are naturally deterred by the aroma, especially when the sheets heat up in the summer sun.

Add a few in baskets or colorful pots around your pool area. This is an excellent way to liven up your area while still deterring certain insects. Just make sure you’re using scented dryer sheets and not the unscented kind.

It is also important to remember that they lose their strength as time goes on. Replace them every five to seven days for best results.

4. Add Plants to Your Yard

While lemongrass and mint are definitely not native to the Sonoran desert, they can be an excellent way to help keep your pool free from bees. Add large planters around the pool decking and plant a few of these around the area.

The bees aren’t fans of the aroma that the plants give off, which means they’ll typically steer clear or go elsewhere to look for water. The only downside to this is that you’ll have to remember to constantly water them, as they don’t tend to hold up to 100-degree temperatures without a little extra love.

This does require quite a few plants, too. Make sure you’re adding the pots to all of the corners of your pool to help create that barrier you’re looking for.

5. Look Around for Nests

Sometimes bees are around your pool because they’ve taken up residence somewhere in your yard. All honey bees in Arizona are actually Africanized hybrids, so it is important to “bee” carefully when you take this step.

Check around your home for areas where you might find five or more bees. Commonly, they want to nest in rooftop eaves, walls, tree trunks, saguaros, or anywhere else they can find a cool place to build a hive.

A good time to look around is either right at dawn or right at dusk when most of the bees are either leaving or returning to the hive.

Wrap Up: How to Keep Bees Away Your Arizona Pool

Living in Arizona means that many of us have the ability to enjoy a backyard swimming pool all year long thanks to the warm weather. However, the task of keeping bees away from where our families enjoy a little fun in the sun can be somewhat challenging. With these five tips, you can help keep these little insects from being a buzzkill at your next swim session.

Still concerned about bees in your yard or near your home? Our team at Buzz Tech AZ Professional Bee Removal is here to help. Please contact us today for more information.


How You Can ID a Queen Bee in Arizona

As the leader of the colony, the Queen Bee plays a pivotal role not just for its subordinates but for the very health of its hive. Without a healthy Queen Bee, a colony will fail unless a new queen is not found. We all know and understand the importance that bees play to our planet, our ecosystem, and our long-term ecological health. Whether you are an environmentalist or a bee enthusiast, there is always something to learn from these wonderful creatures.

Today’s discussion will be focused on one single point: how to properly identify a queen bee to assess the health of a hive.

Do a Visual Inspection

While we don’t often advocate sticking our faces up next to a hive, Queen Bees can be visually located if you know what signs to look for. Queen Bees display some key physical traits that a savvy and trained eye will be able to identify.

Here are a few of the most common physical traits that suggest you are looking at the Queen Bee.

  • Body Size – The Queen Bee is almost always going to be the largest bee in the entire colony. Drones can occasionally grow larger than their Queen, but that isn’t very common. In the event that two large bees are competing for size, the narrower body will likely belong to the Queen.
  • Abdominal Shape – When you look at the bottom of a bee’s abdomen, which is the lowest part of the creature’s body, you’ll find the stinger. Honeybees will possess blunted abdomens while Queens will display a sharper, pointed shape.
  • Splayed Legs – A close visual inspection of the hind legs on a bee will reveal some key insights into what you are looking at. The drone and worker bees of a colony will have legs beneath their bodies, hidden away. Queen Bees showcase their legs by splaying them to the sides.
  • Unique Stinger – Finally, you can take a closer look at the stinger on a bee to differentiate between the Queen and its workers. A Queen’s stinger will be presented as smooth and without barbs.

Watch For Behavioral Traits

While it may be hard to differentiate between bees at a glance, a closer look at their behaviors may prove enlightening. While Queen Bees and Worker/Drone Bees may seem similar without probing too deeply, there are a few unique traits that prove their differences.

  • Area Avoidance – Did you know that worker bees and drone bees would literally step aside for their Queen? When the queen is on the move, everyone else gets out of the way. If you see bees clearing the area for a slightly larger bee to stride through, you have your answer!
  • Spot the Lazy Bee – Okay, the Queen Bee isn’t lazy but she may look that way in a sea of drones! The Queen Bee gets the lucky job of sitting around while her workers take care of everything else. If you see a large bee that is just relaxing in the midst of the hive, you’ve likely found the Queen.
  • Fed By Drones – Another fantastic way to identify the Queen Bee is by looking at how the other bees treat her. What we mean by this is simple. If you notice one bee being approached by the rest of the hive, it’s likely the Queen is being fed. Anytime that you see worker bees providing food to another bee, they could be interacting with the queen.

Identify and Mark Your Queen

If you are a bee enthusiast or are tending to your own colonies, you might want to mark your Queen Bee for easy visualization at later times.

  1. Pick Your Acrylic Paint – First and foremost, you will need to pick the color that you are using. Acrylic-based paints are ideal for marking your Queen Bee but some beekeepers prefer to use model paint or paint pens.
  2. Pick Your Color – Beekeepers choose specific colors to track their bees. White is ideal for Queens marked in years ending in 1 or 6. Yellow is for years ending in 2 or 7. Red is for years ending in 3 or 8. Green is for years ending in 4 or 9. Blue is for years ending in 5 or 0. Pretty simple, right?
  3. Prep Your Supplies – Bees don’t love being handled, so prepare your supplies before embarking on your quest. Have your paint pen dipped and ready nearby.
  4. Gently Pick Up the Queen – Using your thumb and forefinger, gently lift the queen by her thorax. If the Queen struggles, don’t fight it – you might end up crushing her.
  5. Hold Her Above the Hive – In case you have to drop the queen, you want her to land in the hive. Hold the Queen above the hive the entire time.
  6. Dot Her Thorax – Place a small dab of paint on her thorax, between the Queen’s front legs. That’s it, you are done!

If you fear that you have a bee infestation or would like to learn more about Queen Bees, contact the team at  Buzz Tech AZ  Professional Bee Removal!

Types Of Arizona Bees And What To Do When You Spot Them!

While Arizona might be a state best known for sunshine and natural views, it also hosts its fair share of bee species! While there are more than 1,300 native species of bees found within Arizona, there are a handful of major bee groups that deserve more of our attention than others.

In today’s buzzing discussion, we are going to discuss the most common bees of Arizona and what you should do if you spot them!

Bumble Bees

Members of the apidae family, bumble bees are robust, hairy, and brimming with color. Typically covered in black, orange, yellow, and whitish bands of hair, bumble bees swarm together in colonies underneath the dirt, below wooden boards, or even within rodent burrows! Growing up to an inch in length, Bumble Bees are some of the most common bees within Arizona and they are vital to the long-term health and vitality of our planet.

If You Spot Bumble Bees – Avoid them! Bumble Bees are social creatures that are really only a threat when antagonized. If you fear a potential swarm or infestation near your home, contact a reputable bee removal expert.

Cuckoo Bees

Another member of the apidae family, Cuckoo Bees are slender and often confused with wasps. Cuckoo Bees feature red and black bodies with the occasional yellow-banded abdomen. Both male and female Cuckoo Bees will visit flowers to acquire nectar but they do not attempt to collect any pollen.  Cuckoo Bees are considered parasitic as their females lay eggs within other nests. According to, nearly 10% of Arizona’s bee population is parasitic.

If You Spot Cuckoo Bees – These bees do not pollinate and are considered parasitic. As with all bees, do not approach without a plan. Cuckoo Bees can be safely removed by a pest control specialist.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are large critters that can grow up to an inch in length. Often confused with the Bumble Bee, carpenter bees are distinguishable due to their shiny, jet-black abdomen. With larger jaws that are capable of chewing wood, we can understand how this bee got its name! Only the female bee can sting and as they aren’t typically aggressive, you shouldn’t be too concerned for your safety.

If You Spot Carpenter Bees – Contact an exterminator. Carpenter bees can chew through the wooden structures within your home, leaving damage in its wake.

Leafcutter or Mason Bees

Both members of the Megachilidae family, Leafcutter and Mason Bees feature pale bands across black bodies, often with blue or metallic shades. Growing up to 3/4ths of an inch in length, these bees live in beetle holes, wooden blocks, and occasionally in soil. Both the leafcutter and mason bee will collect mud to craft its nest.

If You Spot Leafcutter or Mason Bees– You are probably fine to leave them alone! These bees are both solitary in nature and likely not representative of an infestation. However, if you have concerns, a pest control specialist can provide support.

Honey Bees

The most prevalent and important of bees within Arizona, Honey Bees belong to the apidae family where they are notable for black eyes, dark legs, and golden-orange bodies. These bees are incredibly social, live in huge man-made hives, and also find homes within rocky outcrops and tree hollows. Honey bees even have hairy eyes!

Honey bees aren’t typically a threat, though their Africanized Honey Bee cousins can attack in large swarms, acting aggressively while creating incredibly dangerous scenarios.

If You Spot Honey Bees – Leave them alone and have a pest control expert confirm that they are not Africanized. A reputable expert can also remove honey bees safely, keeping the hive intact.

Mining Bees

Growing up to half an inch in length, mining bees are notable thanks to their red and brown hairs across their metallic-black bodies. Mining bees live in and make nests near the soil, preferring sandy environments to the comfort of our yards and homes. Mining bees are both solitary and communal creatures, making them easy to miss should they live near your property.

If You Spot Mining Bees – Mining bees are friendly, largely avoid biting and stinging, and are incredibly vital to flower pollination. If you spot mining bees, leave ’em alone!

Sweat Bees

Sweat bees manifest in just about every size, shape, and color. Most of all, sweat bees are smaller creatures with black or brown bands atop a yellow or green body. Some sweat bees can pollinate while others won’t, so that can make them a little harder to identify. One issue with sweat bees is that they are attracted to human sweat and are prone to stinging when provoked (i.e., swatted away from your skin.) As bee allergies are a huge deal, sweat bees are particularly dangerous to those individuals.

If You Spot Sweat Bees – Avoid them!

No matter what kind of bee you have buzzing around your property, you aren’t alone with the problem. Call Buzz Tech AZ Professional Bee Removal, today!

Pests 101: What is a Bee Infestation Like in Arizona?

As swarming season rounds into view, residents throughout Arizona are preparing to bee safe this year. Starting in May, bee swarms begin to manifest within the desert. While not as deadly or dangerous as you might think, bee swarms can quickly lead to bee infestations and infestations are incredibly serious.

From bustling Phoenix to remote stretches of the desert, let’s explore how bee infestations work, what causes them, and how we can identify them.

Identifying a Bee Infestation

Unless you have a hive exploding out the side of your wall, it might be hard to understand where all these darn bees are coming from! Bee infestations may seem simple to address, but they can be quite confusing when you don’t know where to look.

As the swarming season draws closer, look for these signs and symptoms of a potential bee infestation in your home or on your property.

  • Excessive Bees Around Your Property — The first sign of a bee infestation is also the clearest. When you notice excessive amounts of bees flying in and around your home, this might be a sign that a swarm has arrived or a colony has taken up residence. Not only are bees a stinging threat, but they also carry bacteria into your home.
  • Active Nest Nearby — If you notice an active bee nest outside your home, then the odds are good that there is one taking up residence within. Bees are incredibly capable creatures, and they are fantastic at finding new places to swarm.  Watch the bees you’ve noticed around your home and see if they all gravitate toward a specific area to find the active nest.
  • Dark Patches On Your Wall — For homeowners easily scared by bugs and bees, this next sign might give you chills. If you notice a dark patch on your ceiling or along your wall, it could potentially signify a honeybee infestation. Honey bees commonly build nests in-between walls and joints to replicate their nest, allowing the honey to get produced which also stains your walls.

With these symptoms of an infestation to guide you, let’s take a closer look at the most problematic bees in the state of Arizona. If you are fearing a potential infestation, you’ll likely want to familiarize yourself.

Africanized Honey Bee

The Africanized Honey Bee is one of the true ‘killer bees’ in North America. Earning the nickname ‘killer bee’ after their aggressive behavior, the first Africanized Honey Bees would make their way to the country in the 1950s. While similar in physical appearance to European Honey Bees, a sharp eye can detect that Africanized Honey Bees are just ever so slightly smaller.

Africanized Honey Bees have hives that are significantly smaller than European Honey Bees, so that can make it hard to properly identify an infestation. With that being said, Africanized Honey Bees are not a pest to mess about with. Once triggered, Africanized bees can chase a person or their pets for over a mile in order to protect their hive.

To summarize: Africanized Honey Bees are aggressive insects that will defend their hive and territory against you and your pets. Even an accidental brush with an Africanized bee can trigger their aggression. If you fear an Africanized Honey Bee infestation, call your local pest control experts to quickly handle the job.

European Honey Bee

Also known as the Western Honey Bee, the European Honey bee is one of the most common species of honey bee worldwide. This honey-bearing species creates colonies surrounding its singular fertile queen. Workers carry out essential tasks including pollination and scouting out for new hives. European Honey Bees will leave in groups of 20 to investigate as well as defend their colony.

With larger hives than the Africanized Honey Bee, it is easier to spot an EHB infestation. Larger colonies equates to hives that are harder to hide. Common interior hive locations caused by infestation are the attic, between walls, and inside the ceiling.

Essential to the health and vitality of our environment, European Honey Bees are well-known by people throughout the nation. While European Honey Bees aren’t technically endangered, there are serious concerns about their population levels dropping over the past several decades.

Buzz Tech Professional Bee Removal

Buzz Tech Pest Control is your premier specialty company for pest removal and control services. With more than 30 years of industry experience working in and around bees, the experts at Buzz Tech Professional Bee Removal have extracted more than 5,000 hives.

Licensed and insured, Buzz Tech Pest Control promises service within 90 minutes. 24/7 emergency services are always available to help you overcome the pests that are bothering your home.

To learn more about having a bee infestation removed, contact Buzz Tech Pest Control today!