image of bees on ledge

What Is Bee Removal?

You’ve got bees. Don’t worry; it’s actually a good thing! Bees are great for the environment, but most people don’t want bees in their house. The good news is that it’s easy to remove them and you’ll be doing your environment (and the beekeeping industry) a favor.

First: Bees Aren’t That Bad

It’s alarming to hear buzzing inside your walls. But you should know that bees are usually not aggressive; after all, that’s why beekeepers can handle them so effectively. Further, bee hives are actually very clean places. The only time a bee hive will become dangerous or unclean is if it is attacked.

This underscores the importance of removing bees properly. If the bees are killed and the hive not removed, the honey will start to attract other insects. And, of course, bees are critical for the environment and the ecosystem. The more we preserve bees, the better the environment will fare.

But, of course, you should still get the hive removed as soon as possible.

If left there, the bees can cause damage. Honey can actually run down the walls. The heat may start to warp or damage wood. And the bees, if they are threatened, can swarm and attack. It isn’t a situation that you want and it’s a situation you can avoid with proper removal.

Getting an Estimate for Bee Removal

So, it’s better to try to save bees than it is to “exterminate” them. So what do you do?

You contact someone who specializes in honeybee removal and they give you an estimate.

While you may be able to get a rough estimate over the phone, you’ll probably need a more detailed estimate in person. That’s when the bee expert will come and find out exactly where in your home the hive is.

Bees can be very clever and will put their hives in areas that you might not even realize. But there are tell-tale signs that bees are in an area. Apart from the humming sound, the hives tend to be extremely warm. If you hold your hand to an area of your home and it’s hot, it could be bees. Further, you might actually see honey. Bees produce a lot of honey!

Once you get an estimate, you can move on with the actual removal.

Removing Building Material to Get to the Bees

Before the bees can be safely removed, walls, ceilings, or floors might need to be removed. Professionals have a way of doing this carefully, so that the damage can be repaired. It depends on the size of the hive; some hives are extremely inaccessible and will require more material be removed, while others are much easier to get to.

Usually it isn’t a lot of material that has to be removed. Bee removal professionals are experts at being able to access hives without a lot of material disruption.

Taking Out the Hive

You may be surprised to find out that a talented beekeeper can quite easily remove a hive.

Often, the bees can be encouraged to move on their own, by locating and moving the queen. The beekeeper will focus on removing the bees first and afterward will remove the sections of honeycomb.

Once the bees have been removed, they will be safely transported to new homes. They will make no attempt to return; they will be situated into a beekeeper’s farm to continue to happily produce honey.

Repairing the Damage

It’s not over. Once the bees are removed, the area where the hive was will be repaired. You won’t have any visible damage to your home; it will be as though the bees were never there at all.

The professional bee removal service will remove not only the bees, but all the remnants of the hive, rather than leaving any honey or honeycomb in your wall. This will also protect you from after effects, such as ants trying to get at the (now unprotected) honey.

Once the damage has been fully repaired, you shouldn’t experience any further issues with bees. However, if the bees got deep into your home, you might want to look into (and seal up) any areas you think they used to gain access. The next pests may not be so friendly!

Do You Need Bees Removed?

If you need bees removed, you should act swiftly. While bees really aren’t the threat that most people think they are, they can become difficult to remove if allowed to roam unchecked. Bees make hives very quickly and those hives can expand throughout your home very quickly. The faster you’re able to get them removed, the less likely they are to move around your home, and the cheaper and easier the removal will be.